


Project “The 21stLive Archaeology Event The Ancient Craft Days in Neringa (ongoing)

Project „Innovative and Sustainable Space for Education and Exhibitions at the Nida Fisherman’s Ethnographic Homestead” (ongoing)

Project „Within the Spaces of Creativity and Nature: Recreating the Nida Artists Colony” (ongoing)


Project “The Hill of Witches Symposium 2015” (completed)

Project „The Identity of the Curonian Spit through the Eyes of a Child” (ongoing)

Project “The 20thLive Archaeology Event The Ancient Craft Days in Neringa (completed)

Project “Restoration of the Unique 19thCentury Wooden Sailboats” (completed)

Project „Maintenance and Restoration of the Weather Vanes on the Nida Waterfront” (completed)


Project “The 19thLive Archaeology Event The Ancient Craft Days in Neringa (completed)

Project “The Hill of Witches Symposium 2017” (completed)

Project „The Renewal and Modernisation of the Nida Fisherman’s Ethnographic Homestead Exhibition” (completed)

Project „Maintenance and Restoration of the Weather Vanes on the Nida Waterfront” (completed)