Director of Neringa Museums
Educational background:
On December 18, 2015, Lina Motuzienė defended doctoral dissertation in the field of Humanities, History: “Between History and Politics: The Shaping/Self-Shaping of Cultures of Remembrance in the City of Kaliningrad in 1989–2014” at the Joint school for postgraduate doctoral studies of Klaipėda University and the Lithuanian Institute of History. She was awarded PhD degree.
In 2008, she completed a master’s degree programme in the history of the Baltic countries at Klaipėda University and received a Master’s degree in history.
In 2006, she completed an undergraduate study programme in history at Klaipėda University and was awarded a Bachelor’s degree.
Professional experience:
From January 8, 2017 – Director of Neringos muziejai
From November 7, 2008 – director of the public institution, Thomas Mann Cultural Centre
September 1, 2008, to June 1, 2009– an assistant at the Department of Cultural Management of the Faculty of Humanities, Klaipėda College, where she taught a course in the organisation of recreation and cultural tourism
From July 1, 2008 – museum manager and programme coordinator at the Thomas Mann Memorial Museum
From September 2005 to July 1, 2008 she was employed as administrator atthe Institute of Baltic Region History and Archaeologyof Klaipėda University
July – August 2005 – supervisor at the Klaipėda Cultural Communication Centre
Organisation of scientific research events:
- September 7-9, 2018, research conference Open Readings in War History 2018: War and Societywas held in Nida in collaboration with the Institute of Baltic Region History and Archaeologyof Klaipėda University.
- September 21-24, 2017, research conference Remembrance of the First World War in Interwar Europe. In search for new analytical categories was held in Nida, at the Thomas Mann Cultural Centre,in collaboration with the Institute of Baltic Region History and Archaeologyof Klaipėda University.
- April 20-21, 2017, the 8thNational Postgraduate Workshop in History took place at Klaipėda University involving the Institute of Baltic Region History and Archaeologyof Klaipėda University and the Lithuanian Institute of History.
- January 19-20, 2017, research conference The Great War in Lithuania and Lithuanians in the Great War was held in Nida, at the Thomas Mann Cultural Centre,in conjunction with the Institute of Baltic Region History and Archaeologyof Klaipėda University.
- September 15-17, 2016, research conference The Right to Rebellion was organised in conjunction with the Institute of Baltic Region History and Archaeologyof Klaipėda University.
- June 12-15, 2014, international conference Horizons of Archival Archaeologywas held in Nida, at the Thomas Mann Cultural Centre,in conjunction with the Institute of Baltic Region History and Archaeologyof Klaipėda University and the Commissionfor research on collections of archaeological finds and documents from North-eastern Middle Europe (KAFU).
- October 15-16, 2014, conferenceMemorials, Museums, Representations: East Prussia before and after the First World Wartook place. The seminar was dedicated to the development of the ethnic tradition and cultural heritage of the Curonian Spit and to the commemoration of the 150th anniversary of architect and museum worker Richard Jepsen Dethlefsen.
- May 10, 2013, seminar The Literary Legacy of Kristijonas Donelaitis as an Impetus for the Researchers of the 19thCentury Cultural Heritage of Lithuania Minor Right to Rebellion was held in conjunction with the Institute of Baltic Region History and Archaeologyof Klaipėda University.
- September 20-22, 2013, International Conference Kontakte und Kulturtransfer im historischen Raum Ostpreußen (1700-2000) / Contacts and Cultural Transfer in Historical Area of East Prussia (1700-2000)held in association with the Centre for Baltic Region History and Archaeologyof Klaipėda University, the Centre for Research on Anti-Semitism (Zentrum für Antisemitismus Forschung) at the Technical University Berlin, and Academia Baltica (Sankelmark, Germany).
- September 21-22, 2012, a workshop entitled as The Ethnic Tradition of the Curonian Spit as part of the Legacy of Cultural Workers in Late 19thand 20thCenturytook place.
- September 9-10, 2011, international research workshop A. Bezzenberger – an Ethnographer and Founder of the Academic Baltic Studiestook place.
- May 27-28, 2011, international research workshop The Appropriation of Spaces in East Prussia was held at Klaipėda University in conjunction with the Centre for Baltic Region History and Archaeologyof Klaipėda University.
- April 21-22, 2011, Postgraduate Workshop in History involving the Lithuanian Institute of History and Klaipėda University joint school for doctoral studies in history.
- May 20-21, 2010, Postgraduate Workshop in History involving the Lithuanian Institute of History and Klaipėda University joint school for doctoral studies in history.
- October 2-3, 2009, international research workshop Identity Transformations: East Prussia – Prussian Lithuania – Lithuania Minorwas organised in conjunction with the Centre for Baltic Region History and Archaeologyof Klaipėda University.
Experience in the implementation of the EU and other projects:
- July to September 2005: organiser of the international cultural heritage project Non-freezing Culture: Myth or Reality? Responsibilities included administration, international contacts and public relations.
- Project manager for Lithuania in the framework of the 2008-2013 HALMA international project funded by the European Union and the Robert Bosch Foundation. Responsibilities included project administration, international strategy planning and public relations.
- Project manager for Lithuania in the framework of the 2013 international project Letters to Miloszfunded by the European Union and the European Commission. Responsibilities included project management, administration and strategic planning.
- Manager of the 2013 project for conservation and revitalisation of cultural and natural heritage Meetings between employees of the Thomas Mann Museum in Nida (Lithuania) and the employees of the Hamsun Centre, Hamarøy (Norway) under auspices of the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism. Responsibilities included project management, administration and strategic planning.
- Expert in the 2013-2014 project Lagoons as crossroads for tourism and interactions of peoples of South-East Baltic: from the history to present (CROSSROADS 2.0)within the framework of the Lithuania-Poland-Russia ENPI Cross-border Cooperation Programmepartially financed by the European Regional Development Fund.
- Expert in the 2014 project for Cultural workers’ exchange visits with an aim to establish partnerships and develop project proposalsunder the programme “Promotion of Diversity in Culture and Arts within European Cultural Heritage” of the European Economic Area (EEA) Financial Mechanism.
- Project manager for Lithuania in the framework of the 2012-2014 international project Baltic Sea Historyfunded by the European Commission. Countries involved in the project: Germany, Poland, Estonia and Lithuania. Responsibilities included project administration, strategic planning and expertise.
- Manager of the international project International Thomas Mann Festival. Responsibilities: project management, administration, strategic planning and public relations, 2008-2016.
- Manager of the 2013-2014 project The Update of the Exhibition of Thomas Mann Memorial Museum.
- Manager of the project In Quest of the Wonderful Land. Cultural tourism route from theNida Artists Colony to Pranas Domšaitis within the framework of the 2016-2017 programme “Klaipėda – the Capital of Culture”.
- From 2009 I have worked as an editor of a serial publication, an almanac Nida Notebooks(2018 saw the release of volume XI).
List of publications:
- Vaizdai iš Lietuvos. Fotografo Roberto Minzloffo etnografinių scenų albumas. Ed. By Lina Motuzienė, Vasilijus Safronovas. Vilnius, 2017.
- Motuzienė, Lina. “Actualisation of the Past in Kaliningrad after 1990: The Outlines of Principal Trends”. In Appropriation of Spaces in East Prussia during the 20th Century(Acta Historica Universitatis Klaipedensis, vol. XXIV). Edited byVasilijus Safronovas. Klaipėda: Klaipėdos universiteto Baltijos regiono istorijos ir archeologijos institutas, 2012.
- МОТУЗЕНЕ, Лина. Фотография в контексте культурной памяти Восточной Пруссии. In Культурное наследие Восточной Пруссии. Ч. 2. Сост. Г. БЛАЖЕНЕ, Н. ЛИХИНА. Калининград, 2011, с. 38-43.
- Strakauskaitė, N., Motuzienė, L. Kuršių nerija Hugo Scheu atvirukų kolekcijoje (XIXa. pabaiga- XXa. pradžia). Klaipėda, 2010
- МОТУЗЕНЕ, Лина. Томас Манн – символ идентитета в двух культурах (например Куршской косы). In Pamięći historia (Olsztyn, Kaliningrad, Kłajpeda) (Rozprawy i Materiały Ośrodka Badań Naukowych im. Wojciecha Kętrzyńskiego w Olsztynie, Nr. 249). Pod red. T. CHRZANOWSKIEGO. Olsztyn, 2009, s. 108–115.
- Motuzienė, Lina. Istorinės atminties problematika Klaipėdos, Olštyno ir Kaliningrado srities mokslininkų dėmesio centre. In End of the Second World War in East Prussia: Facts and Historical Perception(Acta Historica Universitatis Klaipedensis, vol. XVIII). Klaipėda, 2009, p. 343-344.
Other activities:
Member of the Council for Culture and Art of Neringa Municipality, head of the local action group of the city of Neringa City, chairman of the Neringa Council for NGOs, member of the board of curators of Liudvikas Rėza Cultural Centre.
Additional information:
Foreign language skills: Lithuanian (mother tongue), Russian, English, German, Polish (basic level).
Computer literacy: Windows, Mac OS X operating systems, Microsoft Office programs (Word, Excel, Microsoft Access, Microsoft Publisher, Microsoft OneNote), Adobe Lightroom, etc.